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© Alexander 
Schulze Zumkley
Stand: 9.1.2000

We had a great time rafting in Tennessee

See also the other pictures from Alabama!

First we will present the pictures taken with Wonita's small waterproof camera:

Redmer's raft:

(unexperienced guide), Cardell, Redmer, Heather, ?

Redmer's raft from Alexander's (actually Wonita's) perspective.

"Three on the right!"
Relax and smile in the middle of the river
Now you will see the professional (and expensive) pictures:
We had great fun on the Olimpic cajaking course of '96.
We had really wild water.
Were they rafting or swimming?

(They made it.)

This was the professional team ;-)

(experienced guide), ?, Larell, Alexander, Wonita, Richard

© Alexander Schulze Zumkley and Redmer Luxem, 10/97, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.